Taking Care Documentary Screening & Discussion:
A Heartfelt Documentary by Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen
Saturday, February 22nd 11am-12:15pm. Click HERE to RSVP!

Big Eyes Oil Painting Debut at The Kensington

SDiscussing Big Eyes Painting at The Kensingtonusan Wranik, Speech- Language Pathologist who leads our Parkinson’s Communications Club on Wednesday mornings, graciously allowed The Kensington to host one of her personal artwork pieces by the infamous artist, Keane. The oil painting entitled, Sad Child Standing In Front Of White Door, was on display at The Kensington for a week. Many residents and guests were photographed with this exceptionally wonderful gift on loan to us.

Walter Keane, the famed American artist known for paintings depicting women and children with rather large eyes took credit for his phenomenally successful and popular paintings of the 1950’s & 60’s, which were, in fact, painted by his wife Margaret Keane! This remarkable story was depicted in the movie       “Big Eyes” (2014, Staring Amy Adams & Christoph Walz) which the residents enjoyed during a special Evening Feature Film in our Cinema on September 13th!

Thank you, Susan, for allowing us to host your magnificent piece of artwork! We so enjoyed watching the movie and having an opportunity to see and hold an actual Margaret Keane art work!