Meet Harold P. Here at The Kensington Falls Church he is known as “Mr. P-” (full name withheld for privacy) to most residents and staff. Mr. P hails from Michigan, near Traverse City. He was the first born of 10 children. He loved the outdoors – hunting and fishing, picking cherries and mushrooms in addition to competing in sports and mentoring his younger siblings throughout his young life.

Mr. P, here in his Army uniform, led a distinguished U.S. military career.
Mr. P was high school salutatorian. He graduated Cum Laude in Chemistry in the Class of ‘57 at Central Michigan University, also serving in CMU’s ROTC program. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant with branch assignment in the US Army Signal Corps – communication support arm of the Army. He completed his MBA from Michigan State University in 1967 during this time. Harold served 2 years active duty in Vietnam and multiple tours overseas in Germany totaling eight plus years of service abroad. He served many stateside assignments at McDill Air Force Base, FL; Fort Belvoir, VA; and the Pentagon. He served 26 years active duty in total and notably received the Army Distinguished Service Medal and the Legion of Merit Medal.
After his impressive military career, Mr. P worked for another 27 years as a Senior Communications Analyst for a number of Washington, DC-based companies including Analytic Services Corporation, Anteon and Alion. In that role, he supported the Air Force and its overseas allies. Harold traveled extensively to places like Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, England, Ethiopia, Sierre Leone, and the Republic of the Congo. Finally, in 2012, after 53 years of joint military and government contracting, he retired.

Mr. P enjoys a dessert in The Kensington dining room.
Mr. P and his former wife, Anne, raised a family of three children, Steve, Mark and Kim. They each attended Virginia colleges and all three now live and work in Northern Virginia. His family is close-knit, and extended family from Michigan frequently visit. Mr. P enjoys his children and grandchildren. Along with a quick wit, he has a great ability to recite writings, speeches and poetry.