Taking Care Documentary Screening & Discussion:
A Heartfelt Documentary by Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen
Saturday, February 22nd 11am-12:15pm. Click HERE to RSVP!

A New Intergenerational Program with St. Josephs

We are excited to announce that in October, we began several Intergenerational sharing opportunities in partnership with our neighbor, St. Joseph’s Preschool located on Spring Street in Falls Church. On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, we will host several special 5-year old preschoolers, here at the Kensington Library, and we will gather as residents and students to read a book together and talk about the lessons and messaging in the books. This month we will read “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein and we will share a snack of sliced apples with our pre-school friends!

St. Joseph’s has also invited any interested Kensington resident to visit their school on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. We will either walk or drive over to the school and we will participate in a classroom activity of either a special arts and crafts project or even baking! We so look forward to fostering further intergenerational relationships with schools in the surrounding areas and feel honored to begin this journey with St. Joseph’s of Falls Church.


The Sisters of the Missionary Servants of St. Joseph under the Columbian Province originally founded St. Joseph’s Nursery and Kindergarten in 1957.  With the permission and assistance of Former Bishop Peter L. Ireton, three young Sisters left their home country of Spain and came to Falls Church, Virginia to open a Day Nursery.  On November 26, 1957, the original “little school” opened with only three students.  Times were tough in these early days and the Sisters and the school relied heavily on the care and generosity of the surrounding Falls Church community to make ends meet.   Over the years, the school evolved into a thriving, vibrant home away from home for over 70 children who have been welcomed daily with open arms and warm hearts by the nuns and the diverse and experienced group of teachers employed at the school.